I think G–gle is shadow banning my site because I have never made them any money ;(
So it looks like it’s working for me but other people are not shown it in search.
Consequently my sales numbers went right down and I thought I would just go out of business. But some women talked me out of that so I cut costs by changing my host and shopping cart. Now I am using a simple Paypal cart but it obviously has some glitches, I guess depending on your system, your browser, etc. There are so many variables.
So I will continue for a while longer and see what happens. I can’t take your order over the phone like I could before so I can’t really fix anything. But let me know if it’s not working for you and maybe we can figure it out.
It actually feels good to cut back a bit. I had my 75th birthday last weekend and went up to the Redwood Forest at Felton. It was heavenly! My grandkids are from 10 -19 now so I was lucky to get all of them together. We got up early and walked through the big trees grove alone and thanked the trees for hanging in as long as they have, connecting Heaven to Earth for over 2000 years.
We gave the trees gift crystals imbued with love and gratitude and even my son got into the spirit of it, whoohoo! Then we followed the river up and around for a while and appreciated a couple of banana slugs 😉 It was one of those magical occasions that can probably never be repeated but we all said we’d do it every year.
The guy who makes the vests says he will have to raise the prices soon because of his supplies have gone up. It seems like there are big changes coming for lots of businesses right now.
I am super grateful that I have had this business for so long and started a trend for women to look after their bones without drugs. When I started I thought I would make a lot of money – who wouldn’t rather take a walk than take a pill – right?? My mistake 🙂
But never mind, money is overrated, and I have really enjoyed talking to all the health-minded people who have called me over the years wondering about a vest.
My next plan is to paint small canvases imbued with healing energy and give them to local women who have cancer – not interfering with anything they decide to do – just adding a little Source energy transmitted through the facet of Source that I am. I’m excited! I’m going to paint the first ones today. Here is an example, this one is bigger so they’d be simpler:
Blessings, Pam