I sent out my first newsletter today and I plan to send them twice a month at most. I will have any news that comes out about strengthening bones and I will have tips and tricks on how to best use your weight vest to create maximum bone. I’ll post them here on the blog as well but sometimes women forget to check back so the newsletter will remind you.
The first video is on walking with the weight vest. I was a Feldenkrais Movement Therapist for many years and I have a lot of experience with teaching women how to move well. Feldenkrais had a saying; we make the impossible possible, the possible easy and the easy elegant.
The women who are buying the weight vest range widely in age and ability to move freely so always move within your comfort range. Comfort is our best way to know that we are not doing something that we will later regret! In the beginning you can start small with fewer weights and shorter lengths of time. The hour a day does not have to be consecutive, two half hour segments work just as well.
pamwalking |
The next video will be on ways you can create variety in your walking. If you do the same walk at the same pace every day it does not create as much change in your body as introducing a little variety.
So enjoy your walking until then and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!