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Weightvest For Osteoporosis

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My mother

Weightvest my mother

Mum struggled to keep her head up because she felt so bad to be so bent over. She walked more miles in her life than anyone I have known and was as strong as a horse but her bones let her down.

Extra weights – 2 lbs additional weights (4) 1/2lb flex weights


2 lbs additional weights (4) 1/2 lb flex weights. Price – $30- Including shipping to US only.
Even Olympic athletes are only recommended to use 10% of their body weight in the vest.


Product Description

2 lbs additional weights (4) 1/2 lb flex weights. Price – $30- Including shipping to US only.
Even Olympic athletes are only recommended to use 10% of their body weight in the vest.

The price recently went up because the supply cost to make the weights doubled.