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Weightvest For Osteoporosis

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My mother

Weightvest my mother

Mum struggled to keep her head up because she felt so bad to be so bent over. She walked more miles in her life than anyone I have known and was as strong as a horse but her bones let her down.

Osteoporosis and Ph Balance

When I started studying osteoporosis I came across a reference to excess acidity drawing calcium out of the bones. Since I have taken calcium and many other supplements for decades I knew there was something wrong with either my absorption of the vitamins and minerals or something else going on. I read Dr Baroody’s book, “Alkalize or Die” which was the first to come out about ph balance. It is a great book.  It explains in detail how we have allowed chronic disease to take over our bodies by eating the wrong food and having stressful lives. It often takes years for your body to show the consequences of excess acid but, by 50, our grace period has run out and most people are showing some negative effects. One of the major effects is osteoporosis.

There is much evidence that we do not absorb most of the calcium and other supplements we take. Indeed we absorb less and less as we get older. Also the myth of regular milk drinking being good for your bones is exposed in the Myths of Osteoporosis book. So if we are not absorbing the calcium we take in, and we have excess acid for our body to dispose of, then our body robs the bones of calcium to bind the acid and send it out through the urine.

You can test your urine when you get up in the morning to check the ph level. I have had a healthy diet for years now and yet, when I tested, I was extremely acid. It doesn’t matter why really, I merely had to change a few things in my diet and I became alkaline within a week.

If you test acid with the strips you can have a green drink or half a lemon in water with baking soda at night and bring your ph back into balance. Yes, I know lemon is acid but it creates an alkaline condition in the body. Hard to understand, but try it and you’ll see. There are also alkalizing drops that you can put in your water but they didn’t work for me.

On the package literature is says to test all day, before and after meals. This isn’t necessary, once a day is enough to tell you what’s going on – they just want to sell more strips 😉

Robert Young has a very informative site about acid/alkaline balance. Here is a short quote from his latest newsletter. ” The drug poster makes it sound like osteoporosis strikes first, and then you get weak bones. The cause and effect is all backwards. And that’s how drug companies want people to think about diseases and symptoms: first you ‘get’ the disease, and then you are ‘diagnosed’ just in time to take a new drug for the rest of your life. But it’s all hogwash. There is no such disease as osteoporosis. It’s just a made-up name given to a pattern of symptoms that indicate you are over-acid which causes your bones to get fragile.”

If you are suffering from diabetes, arthritis, cancer or any major disease, you will definitely want to read more about controlling the pH of your body. Acid-forming foods – dairy, meat and grains, give off protein and phosphorus as they are digested. Alkaline foods, veggies and fruits, give off  minerals – calcium, magnesium and potassium as they are digested and  will oxygenate the blood and give you energy. When your blood has oxygen you can use it for energy. When it does not it becomes sticky and slow moving and you reach for sugar to give you energy.

I can’t stress enough that the time to sit back and expect your doctor to take care of you is over. Health has been my major interest for decades so I have seen this coming. Doctors don’t have the time or inclination to research nutritional issues. They have become drug suppliers and the evidence is mounting that most drugs do more harm than good. We are seeing more and more evidence that BigPharm cannot be trusted with our health. The drug companies would like all Americans to be on as many prescription drugs as possible which all combine to take away your health. It is now your job to take care of your health and that demands an active role in educating yourself. I hope this helps.

A wonderful article about the use of baking soda in healing is here. This doctor has used it for healing cancer as well as bones and many other things.

A great video explanining pH balance and healing in a very clear way is here. The whole video is very good. At the end he says a certain product is the answer to healing. I have no experience with that product but I do take one similar, Oceans Alive, and I like it.

pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips

Find out if an over-acid condition in your body is weakening your bones

Osteoporosis solutions

  • Super Sensitive and accurate
  • Wide range – 4.5 – 9.0
  • Easier to read than ph paper
  • Economical
  • No Mess
  • Tests urine or saliva
  • Practitioner preferred

Don’t trust your body to just any chemical lab litmus pH paper.

URINE:  For best test results, test your second urination in the morning. You will likely see urine pH become more acid as the day progresses. Test frequently during the day, and determine an average.

I no longer sell these strips. I am cutting back and paring down my business, selling only the vest now, but you can buy them from Amazon. And other new ones like them. 

More Information

Is your body pH balanced? Find out by testing!
You get your cholesterol tested. You get your blood pressure tested. Now you can test your pH — easily, accurately, and within the comfort of your own home!

Just like your cholesterol and blood pressure, your pH says a lot about the state of your health. It tells you how acidic or alkaline your tissues and fluids are — and that affects all aspects of your well-being.

How? All kinds of ways. If you are overly acidic, you may feel low energy…find it difficult to lose weight…experience poor digestion…suffer from aches and pains…and even fall victim to more serious disorders. In fact, since acid is naturally corrosive and inflammatory, it irritates the organs it comes in contact with.1 That’s why too much acid can contribute to the demineralization of your bones, teeth, and joints, and have a negative impact on your urinary and gastro-intestinal tracts.

Plus, an acidic environment makes the perfect breeding ground for microforms, which can further compromise your health.

Measuring pH
The pH scale goes from 0-14, where 0 is very acidic (think battery acid) and 14 is very alkaline (think lye).

In general, the pH of the human body should be slightly alkaline — about 7.0 Osteopenia Prevention

A pH reading in the Optimal Zone tells you that your insides are happy, while a pH reading in the Danger Zone may mean you’re putting yourself at risk for serious disorders. Even a slight pH imbalance can make you feel tired, cause you to gain weight, give you trouble digesting food, and create aches and pains in your body.

Most parts of the body have a special pH range they can tolerate. The skin can vary from 4.5 to 7.0, for example. Stomach acid ranges from 1.0 to 3.0. And pancreatic secretions go from 8.0 to 8.3.14 But the blood is not so flexible. It has a very narrow pH range: 7.365 to 7.45.

If the pH of your blood goes outside that range even just a little, wham, the functioning of your organs is compromised. If the pH of your blood strays too far from that acceptable range for too long, your body will go into shock…then coma…then death.

That kind of severe metabolic acidosis is rare; however, mild acidosis is now thought to be strikingly common — affecting at least half of the population.

One point makes a world of difference
pH doesn’t work like regular numbers do, where 6.0 is “one point less” than 7.0. It works logarithmically, just like the Richter scale for earthquakes.
That means for each point you drop away from the ideal of 7.0, you’re actually experiencing a 10-fold decrease in your pH! For example, someone with a pH of 6.0 is ten times more acidic than someone with a pH of 7.0. Someone with a pH of 5.0 is 100 times more acidic than someone with a pH of 7.

Fortunately, pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips provide an easy, accurate, and affordable way to find out exactly where you stand.

Your urine and saliva hold the key to your health
How do you measure what’s going on inside of your body? By analyzing what it’s secreting: urine and saliva.

Thanks to the kidneys, the body is constantly trying to get rid of excess acids through the urine, which can range in pH anywhere from 4.5 to 8.5.

The pH of your urine is a good reflection of the pH of your internal environment.

If your urine tests high in acids (below 6.75), then you know your body is high in acids too. (Not good!) If your urine tests low in acids (above 6.75), then your stores of alkaline minerals are doing a good job of buffering the acids in your body.

Another way to find out the overall pH balance (or imbalance) of your body is to test the pH of your saliva. Saliva pH can range anywhere from 5.5 to 7.5 or more. If you have enough alkaline minerals, your saliva test should register a nice 7.0 to 7.5. But if your mineral reserves are too low, the acids will overwhelm your system, and you’ll test under7.0.

Some people even test as low as 4.5 – 5.75, which is not where you want your pH to be. In fact, if your pH tests that low, we recommend you take immediate action to correct this acidity. Remember, because the pH scale works like the Richter scale – i.e. logarithmically – a pH of 5.0 is 100 times too acidic!

Don’t trust your body to regular litmus paper Osteoporosis and Ph Balance. If you care enough about your body to test your pH, then please, do it the right way. Litmus paper (you know, the kind that comes in a roll) won’t give you a truly accurate pH reading because it bleeds when it gets wet, which makes it quite a challenge to determine the color.

pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips are unlike most pH papers or test strips available
1. They are made and calibrated specifically to test urine or saliva.
2. Because the reagent (the stuff that changes color) is affixed to a plastic strip, there’s no paper, no bleeding, and no mess. In fact, pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips are the only test strips on the market that can pass through a urine stream without having the reagent bleed, making them exceptionally easy to read.

Simply put, our pH strips measure a wider pH range more accurately.