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Weightvest For Osteoporosis

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My mother

Weightvest my mother

Mum struggled to keep her head up because she felt so bad to be so bent over. She walked more miles in her life than anyone I have known and was as strong as a horse but her bones let her down.

New Scam on Internet

I have been wondering whether to mention this or not. I tend not to give energy to negative things. If I concentrate on shining my light I feel more productive. But I’m getting these emails so often now that I probably should address it.

A supposed Search Engine Optimization company contacted me with an alarming message about negative reviews on my weight vest. Of course I went to the site and it was one of those scammy review sites. There was one review from a person, supposedly in Florida, saying my vest was not as pictured, didn’t fit her and she’d wasted her money.

I knew right away this was a scam because my weight vest is exactly as pictured and anyone who doesn’t like it can get their money back without question.

So then I read the rest of the email and it was telling me they could erase this review for money. Of course I wasn’t that stupid, I don’t pay protection money. So I just put it in the trash. But, like I said, I’m getting them once a week now.

I thought I might take it up with Google but, since they are total black hats now and just out for money themselves, I didn’t think that would be worth the time and aggravation.

So, I will comfort myself with knowing that there are good reviews all over the net on the weight vest and just keep on doing what I’m doing, making my vest available at the lowest possible price and giving women the most help I can.

This is a strange new world but I know it is changing for the better although it doesn’t look like it right now. People are waking up all over the planet and I know we will create a world of loving kindness before I die.



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