More Solutions for Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
Here are some of the articles I have written over the years on ways to add to the benefit of the weightvest in strengthening your bones. The weight vest will do part of the job. The rest is looking at your diet, your supplements, your exercise, your stress and hormone levels, etc.
So scan the titles and see which one calls to you then read them as you need to on your journey back to health. You can also look in the blog archives where the information is grouped into categories on the right side menu.
Strengthen Your Bones Every Day
There are two videos on the supplements you need to take care of your bones on the video page. Most of them are very reasonable in cost so don’t assume you can’t afford them before you check.
The Confusion Over Calcium/Magnesium and Your Bones
The complete story on Vitamin D from Dr Jeffrey Dach
Bio-Identical Hormones
Bio-identical Hormones for Bone Density
My Own Experience with Hormones
Drink Water, Breathe and Stay Alkaline
Tips on Gaining or Losing Weight
Stress Related Issues
Have Patience with Your Bones This link will take you to three blog posts about stress and Tapping.
Joy, Inspiration and Gratitude