About Me
When I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2004 after a bone scan, I was offered a prescription for Fosomax. Since I knew from my own research that Fosomax is not good for you, (See Osteoporosis Information) I sought other ways to increase my bone density. I increased my weight bearing exercise, walking and rebounding, and improved my diet and pH balance.
Being thin, it was hard to get the weight-bearing exercise I needed. Then I discovered the weighted vest. A weightvest enables even the thinnest person to have good weight-bearing exercise without going to the gym. I tried many of the vests on the market, back then they were designed mainly for firemen and athletes, and none of them felt good, so I designed my own. I had been a movement therapist for many years so I knew how to design a vest that would improve movement and feel safe.
In 2006 I realized I had Candida and my energy level went down. I was diagnosed shortly after with Diabetes and realized that a lifestyle change was in order. I avoid doctors as much as possible and try not to take drugs so I set out to learn how to heal myself. The internet is such a blessing for people who want to take back control of their health. I know there are many scams and I got caught by some, but there is also an incredible amount of information that I could never have accessed any other way.
It turned out by hindsight after healing myself that the trigger for all these auto-immune diseases was mold in my house affecting my immune system.
Looking back, my fifties were the hardest decade for me, so when I hit sixty I made up my mind it would be my best decade yet. It’s working like a charm. The power of Spirit, the power of mind, good nutrition and plenty of exercise are all lined up to keep me the best that I can be.
Update 2012
I took up NIA dance at 65 and it improved my life tremendously. I am moving now better than I ever have. I’m flexible and strong and have visible muscles.
I’m 68 now and my mind is still very quick and agile too so I am doing really well. That must be the continual learning I have to do to run a business online.
I connected with Arnold Cook at Ironwear Fitness because he uses a special kind of flexible weights that are way better than the ones I was using. We redesigned the vest together with his years of experience in weight vests and my contribution of bringing them to a new clientele for him, older women with bone problems.
Now I am starting to move into a new peace of mind and realize I don’t have to work so hard to earn my breath. I am opening up to a whole new world of creativity and joy that feels really good to me. I have been a Type A workaholic my whole life and this daily adventure of what would please me is wonderful.
Update 2015
I am starting to do abstract acrylic paintings and loving it. I will continue doing the weight vest business because I enjoy it and because I consider it my service to women, but now following my bliss is being an artist and learning by doing.
I am dancing less but walking more because I got a spaniel a year ago and we walk for half an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. I actually have had two falls recently, both involving the dog, nothing to do with balance issues. They were caused by other, bigger dogs with no manners and no leashes. Each time I was knocked down and fell hard and got bruises, once a black eye, but no broken bones. So I know my healthy life is working for me.
Update 2022
I am 78 now and ready to retire. But Arnold will continue with making the vests for women with Osteoporosis. I am tired of website maintenance and we will attach my site to his to retain some of the information I offered. Also my hearing is not what it was and it is difficult to understand people on the phone.
I wish all women could experience the peace of mind and enjoyment I am experiencing now as they age. I hope this website helps some of you to accomplish that.